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Ladies Shalwar Kameez with Red Embroidery

Price: $39.99
Item Number: SQ116K11

An extremely beautiful Women's Shalwar Kameez. The kameez is a long one, and has tasteful and heavy embroidery in beads and multi-colored threads on the neckline, right through the front panel. The flare of the kameez and the sleeve-ends have a red colored border which makes this ensemble look ethenic and rich. The salwar is same colored. This is a great outfit for parties. Please click on the picture for a close up and other pictures.

Available in 2 colors: Brown and Forest green, in 3 variable sizes...

Bust=36 and a 1/2", Length=43", Pants=41"

Bust=40", Length=45", Pants41"

Bust=42", Length=45", Shalwar=40"

Please ensure to check size before ordering (Abayas are generally worn loose). 

More details about sizing at the following link:
pakistani shalwar kameez 







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